Sunday, 12 October 2008

The Knitting and Stitching Show

Yesterday was the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace. I volunteered at the UK Handknitting stand, teaching people to knit or crochet.

I pretty much spent the whole day on my ass, knitting away on the Rockstar's socks. They actually proved quite a hit with everyone walking past. I managed to help quite a lot of people with sock related questions such as turning heels. And everyone seems to think that knitting socks is hard. Not in my opinion of course!!!
Anyway, so there I was knitting away and these people with cameras turn up to photograph....Jennifer Stafford aka the Domiknitrix and speed knitters Miriam Tegels and Marie-Alice Morisset. I'll tell you! You haven't seen knitting until you see these two in action!!!! Sheesh! My eyes were properly popping from their sockets! It's just a blur of hands and suddenly a row is done!
Here are the speedknitting ladies in action...

And then to top it all off...the domiknitrix walks over and compliments me on my Shalom sweater!! Double sheesh!!! Nearly pooped my pants and couldn't remember the pattern name. I felt like such an idiot!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!! She was so nice though. I felt compelled to add her to me friends on Ravelry. Which I did....
Anyway, I spent the rest of the day helping them...

Oh I nearly forgot a photo of the Domiknitrix..

And then for everyone who either asked me about my sweater or complimented me on it.....THANK YOU!!! I was immensely flattered!!
Of course I couldn't go to a knitting show and not buy anything! Duh! So I got some Noro sock yarn and some Kauni in a black/ purple/ grey. The Noro has already been cast on. I wanted to knit the Ziggy socks from but after having a look through the pattern, I realised that they are colourwork. And after my past experience with too tight colourwork, I was naturally not keen. So I instead chose the popular Jaywalker pattern and combined it with the Noro Striped Scarf from Jared Flood. The scarf pattern uses one ball of yarn, wound into two balls. You then knit every two rows in alternating balls. So what you get is a striped effect with colour changing along the way. I've started it up and am about 2 inches in. Despite a rough start last night due to overly tired eyes and baby-poop for brains, I managed to correct the crap( excuse the pun) from last night. So far I have blue and green alternating rows. I'll take a picture tomorrow. The Kaui is part of the stash building project.

Hey, did I mention Alexandra palace is gorgeous?! Looky here..

mmm...I seem to be running into upload problems...will post them later.
Right now, I'm off to bed after showing some real crazies around the flat. Where do these people crawl out from?

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