Saturday, 19 April 2008

So much to do, so little time

My, have I been busy. I have been studying my ass off for a marketing exam and working on a Financial Management assignment all at the same time. Needless to say, I am totally knackered. Covered in zits and addicted to coffee and cookies - my staple study diet. The assignment was THE ASSIGNMENT FROM HELL. What a load of bollocks. It didn't relate to our coursework at all and in my opinion, was more of a MBA level. Not BA (Hons). It was on Marks and Spencers UK and was so intense that I was in tears several times. Apparently I wasn't alone. I heard after that several students never handed it in and others went through the same rollercoaster ride of emotions. Man, all I can say is that is crap deluxe!
Anyway, so didn't even have a minute to relax and knit something. But I did manage to finish the a little stripey baby cardigan. It is the Child Pinwheel Sweater. Get it here or here on Ravelry. It's gorgeous. I just have to send it on. I did become an auntie again! Whoohoo! Little Megan was taken out last week Friday at 7 in the morning and was a picture of good health ( also a little mini me of my brother). So I have a bit of knitting to do for her.

Otherwise I trying to recover from all the studying. College starts again next week so we aren't even allowed a break. In the mean time, I received some lovely yarn that I ordered a while ago - Lamb's Pride in Kiwi, Roasted Coffee and Lemon Drop. Now the yellow isn't something that I would ordinarily buy but I was hoping to knit my mother the Tudora as their work uniform is part yellow (she works for JCB). She hates the colours. Can't say that I am really fond of them either but hey...
Anyway, she will be receiving a yellow Tudora.

Well, husband dearest have been keeping me busy this weekend. My first off weekend and I am being dragged off everywhere. No time to sit still and knit for a bit. Tonight I have to put forth a whole traditional South African dinner for an Italian friend. Really don't feel like it. Oh I go...


Unknown said...

That baby cardigan is just awesome! Which pattern is it?

Mish said...

Thank you! Are you on Ravelry? It's the Child Pinwheel sweater or you can get it here